منتديات مقهى بانيت اون لاين
اخي الزائر ،، السلام عليك ورحمة الله وبركاته ، اشكرك لتصفحك بمنتدانا الغالي ، ان كنت عضو غير مسجل فبادر بالتسجيل وشارك معنا كي نبقى اسرة واحدة تحت رعايه المحبة بالله . وما يجب عليك الا ان تسجيل فلا يأخذ من وقتك الا دقيقه ونصف ،، تحياتي لك ايها الزائر الغالي

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتديات مقهى بانيت اون لاين
اخي الزائر ،، السلام عليك ورحمة الله وبركاته ، اشكرك لتصفحك بمنتدانا الغالي ، ان كنت عضو غير مسجل فبادر بالتسجيل وشارك معنا كي نبقى اسرة واحدة تحت رعايه المحبة بالله . وما يجب عليك الا ان تسجيل فلا يأخذ من وقتك الا دقيقه ونصف ،، تحياتي لك ايها الزائر الغالي
منتديات مقهى بانيت اون لاين
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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3 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف نورس الأحد فبراير 14, 2010 9:10 pm

السلاام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاااته....

May the blessing and peace of Allah always be with you

نحن على ابواب امتحانات البجروت - وكما يقال في الانجليزيه

...practice makes perferct

لذا قررت ان اضع بين ايديكم نماذج لامتحانات بجروت سابقه من اجل التدرب على نمط البجروت وايضا الدبلوم
املين من الله عز وجل ان يوفقكم جميعا

الامتحان الاول في موديول "د"

يليه امتحان لموديول "سي"

שאלון ד'

הוראות לנבחן
א. משך הבחינה: שעה ורבע مدة الأمتحان : ساعه وربع

ב. מבנה השאלון ומפתח הערכה: בשאלון זה שני פרקים :

פרק ראשון - הבנת הנקרא - 70 נקודות
פרק שני - משימת כתיבה - 30 נקודות
סה"כ - 100 נקודות

ג. חומר עזר מותר בשימוש: מילון אוקספורד אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או
מילון הראפס אנגלי ערבי
قاموس هاراب انجليزي- عربي

ד. הוראות מיוחדות:
1. עליך לכתוב את כל תשובותיך בגוף השאלון (במקומות המיועדים לכך).
2. כתוב את כל תשובותיך באנגלית, ובעט בלבד. אסור להשתמש בטיפקס.
3. בתום הבחינה החזר את השאלון למשגיח.

הערה: גם נבחנים בבחינות-משנה חייבים להיבחן בפרק הבנת הנשמע.

ההנחיות בשאלון זה מנוסחות בלשון זכר ומכוונות לנבחנות ולנבחנים כאחד.

בהצלחה! بالنجاح

بسم الله نبدا ...
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Part One – Access to Information from Written Texts (70 points)
Read the passage below and then answer questions 1 – 6.
Jillian Leslie Interviews Chuck Brown

JL: You are an all-round musician: composer, instrumentalist and singer. In your opinion, is musical experience essential in order to appreciate music?
CB: No. Absolutely not. But you do need to be exposed to quality music to have a chance to appreciate it. A lot of contemporary music makes me so sad. Rap, country, pop, rock. There's just nothing there to love or admire. It's all about ego and money and power. Such a waste. That’s why it always excites me to hear something "real". For example - look at what happened with Norah Jones, singer and songwriter, and her first single "Don't Know Why". It just melts you. That would have been a hit 50 years ago and it will be a hit 50 years from now. Quality stuff.
JL: You’ve often said that music is ‘a healer’. What precisely do you mean by that?
CB: I really believe that music has comforting energy. Look at how it has soothed people for centuries. A phrase like "music soothing the savage beast." I don't know where it came from, but it's true. I also think that when you’re depressed, music can sometimes relieve the pain. Music has tremendous power.
JL: You’ve recently started writing music for children - why only now?
CB: Ever since I was young, I’ve had a special bond with children, but I didn’t write music for kids before my own children were born. Some of the songs came from watching them or their friends. My children’s album has received really good responses. I keep hearing about kids demanding to listen to it before bed ...or that the really young ones start dancing and swaying when their parents put it on.
One reason I write kids' music is that I hate seeing people talking down to kids. I’ve always felt that kids know more than we think they do. I like to communicate my respect for them in the songs I sing.

Excerpt adapted from an interview by Jillian Leslie
Everyday Warriors Website:
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الاسئله :

Answer questions 1 – 6 according to the interview.

1) What is Chuck Brown comparing in his first answer in the interview? (12 points)

ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________

2) What doesn't Chuck Brown like about some contemporary music? Name ONE thing. (7 points)

ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________

3) Chuck Brown mentions Norah Jones as someone who (--). (10 points)
a. represents contemporary music
b. creates quality music
c. has a great appreciation of music
d. has a lot of musical experience

4) What does Chuck Brown describe in his second answer in the interview? (12 points)

ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________

5) Give TWO of the topics Chuck Brown discusses regarding his children’s album. Complete the
the table below. (20 points)

Topic Example
(1) watching kids
(2) dancing and swaying

6) In Chuck Brown’s opinion, how should children be related to? (9 points)

ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________

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المهمه الكتابية:

Part 2 - Written Presentation – 30 points


Write in English on the following topic. Write 100 – 120 words.

In the interview, Chuck Brown says that music has a soothing effect. He is interested in finding out about the opinions of young people about this subject. Write him a semiformal letter and tell him about the effect that music has on you. You can relate to the following points:
• what kind of music you like to listen to
• when you like to listen to music
• how music affects you
NOTE: Do not give your OWN name in the letter. Use an imaginary name.


Answer Key
Module D

Part One – Access to Information from Written Texts

The Power of Music

quality and contemporary music 1

nothing there to admire / all about ego, money and power / a waste / it makes him sad 2

b. creates quality music 3
how music heals and relieves pain / the power of music / "the soothing quality of music" 4
(1) ideas for Chuck Brown's songs
(2) children's response to the album / what children do
when they hear the album 5
Children should be respected. / They should not be talked down to. / They should be treated as adults. 6

الان موديول "سي"

מדינת ישראל
משרד החינוך, תרבות וספורט סוג הבחינה:

מועד הבחינה:
מספר השאלון: ג. בגרות לבתי ספר על-יסודיים
ד. בגרות לנבחני משנה

מבחן לדוגמא


שאלון ג'

הוראות לנבחן

ה. משך הבחינה: שעה ורבע مدة الأمتحان : ساعه وربع

ו. מבנה השאלון ומפתח הערכה: בשאלון זה פרק אחד של הבנת הנקרא - 100 נקודות

ז. חומר עזר מותר בשימוש: מילון אוקספורד אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או
מילון הראפס אנגלי ערבי
قاموس هاراب انجليزي- عربي

ח. הוראות מיוחדות:
1. עליך לכתוב את כל תשובותיך בגוף השאלון (במקומות המיועדים לכך).
2. כתוב את כל תשובותיך באנגלית, ובעט בלבד. אסור להשתמש בטיפקס.
3. בתום הבחינה החזר את השאלון למשגיח.

ההנחיות בשאלון זה מנוסחות בלשון זכר ומכוונות לנבחנות ולנבחנים כאחד.

בהצלחה! بالنجاح

تدريب لامتحااناات بجروت انجليزي...C&D Rosyline

بسم الله نبدا ...

Access to Information from Written Texts - 100 Points
Read the passage below and then answer questions 1 – 7.

הבנת הנקרא (100 נקודות)
קרא בעיון את המאמר שלפניך, וענה על
השאלות שאחריו. فهم المقروء (100 درجه)
اقرأ المقاله التاليه ثم اجب عن الأسئله التي تليها


by Mark Smith

For many years, Frank Sher did not know how to use the Internet. “I didn’t want to get near a computer because it looked so complicated and it scared me," he says. "Anyway, I’m a bus driver. I don’t need a computer for my job so I never learned to use one. Then, ten years ago, Frank’s daughter Linda went to college far from home. “We used to talk on the telephone,” says Frank, “but the bills were very high. We also wrote letters, but those took a long time to arrive. Finally Linda asked me, ‘Dad, why don’t you and Mom learn to use email?’ So we decided to learn.”

Frank and his wife Betty took a six-week course called “Internet for All”. For the first few days they were so unsure of themselves that they couldn’t really enjoy the course. But then this feeling passed. “We had a great teacher, David Perry,” says Betty. “We
learned so fast that after one week, I already sent Linda my first email message.”

What is David’s secret? “Classes are very small – no more than ten students,” he says. “I enjoy that. In this way I can work with each student, one at a time. I begin by teaching them how to write letters on the computer, and then we go on to the Internet. Students can come into the computer room in the afternoons and evenings to practice. By the time they finish the course, they can use the Internet for many different things. For example, they can order books and gifts, or look for information about a city they want to visit.”

David remembers his oldest student, 74-year-old Ruth Hyman. “She said she got tired of knitting sweaters for her grandchildren,” he laughs. “Now she can write letters to them by email. And when they meet, she plays computer games with them. Who wins? I’m sure she does!”

تدريب لامتحااناات بجروت انجليزي...C&D Rosyline

الاسئله ::

اجب عن الأسئله 1-7 باللغه الأنجليزيه
اجب وفقآ للتعليمات وقطعه القراءه ענה באנגלית על שאלות 1 – 7 על פי הטקסט שקראת ועל-פי ההוראות.

Answer questions 1-7 in English.

1. According to lines 1 - 7, why didn’t Frank Sher use a computer? (10 points)
i) He didn’t have one at home.
ii) He was afraid of computers.
iii) He didn’t have time to learn.

2. Why did Frank and his wife decide to learn to use email? Give TWO reasons. (lines 1 - 7)
(20 points)
i) ____________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________

3. Why did Betty and Frank enjoy David’s computer course? Give ONE reason. (lines 8 - 11)
(10 points)

4. What do the students learn in David’s computer course? Name TWO things. (lines 12 - 18)
(20 points)
i) ___________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________

5. What TWO things could Ruth Hyman do with her grandchildren after she took the course? (lines 12 - 18) (20 points)

i) ____________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________

6. What is the main message of this article? (12 points)
i) It takes a lot of time to learn how to use the Internet.
ii) People of all ages can learn how to use the Internet.
iii) You should learn to use the Internet when you’re young.

7. What is the meaning of the word 'order' as it is used in line 17? Choose the correct dictionary definition below. (8 points)

i) order n.
the way you arrange or place things or people ii) order v.
tell someone that they must do something iii) order v.
ask a store to send you something you want to buy


Answer Key
Module C

تدريب لامتحااناات بجروت انجليزي...C&D Rosyline
الحلول :

Part One – Access to Information from Written Texts

Whose Afraid of the Internet?

iii) He was afraid of computers. 1

The telephone bills were very high. / The letters took a long time to arrive. /Their daughter Linda went to college far from home.


They had a great teacher. / They learned fast. / They already sent Linda their first email message in the first lesson.

how to write letters on the computer / how to use the Internet (for many different things) / how to order books and gifts / how to look for information (about a city they want to visit)

write letters to them by email
play computer games with them

ii) People of all ages can learn how to use the Internet.

iii) order v ask a store to send you something you want to buy

رئيـس المراقبيـن
رئيـس المراقبيـن

عدد المساهمات : 6388
انثى نقاط العضو : 7403
السٌّمعَة العضو : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/09/2009
العمر : 36
الموقع : makha-panet.alafdal.net
العمل/الترفيه : اكشن

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف ABO - SAND الأحد فبراير 14, 2010 9:18 pm

الله يعطيكي العافيه

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نائب المدير
نائب المدير

عدد المساهمات : 27008
ذكر نقاط العضو : 27148
السٌّمعَة العضو : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/09/2009
العمر : 33
الموقع : makha-panet.alafdal.net
العمل/الترفيه : طالب جامعي

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف نورس الأحد فبراير 14, 2010 11:25 pm

الله يعاافيك خيو ابو سند
رئيـس المراقبيـن
رئيـس المراقبيـن

عدد المساهمات : 6388
انثى نقاط العضو : 7403
السٌّمعَة العضو : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/09/2009
العمر : 36
الموقع : makha-panet.alafdal.net
العمل/الترفيه : اكشن

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف حزينة بس سعيدة الإثنين فبراير 15, 2010 1:23 am

مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووورة ما بتتصوري اديش انا فرحانة !!!
حزينة بس سعيدة
حزينة بس سعيدة

تدريب لامتحااناات بجروت انجليزي...C&D 99539110

عدد المساهمات : 104
انثى نقاط العضو : 162
السٌّمعَة العضو : 100
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/11/2009
العمر : 34
الموقع : makha-panet.alafdal.net
العمل/الترفيه : طالبة

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى